Silvan Rath,
“ GmbH is an advertising network. We permit Nike, for example, to address advertising to potential customers after a visit to a Reebok store in the shopping arcade. This functions by way of automated sensory technology in telephones and apps financed by advertising. The user does, of course, grant his/her consent beforehand. We carried out a kind of “law firm casting” before deciding in favour of Knappworst. We needed someone with understanding of international business, EU subsidies and the complexities of start-ups. Ever heard of “profit-participating subordinate loans with a conversion option”? Heard of possibly, but only a very few actually understand the subject matter properly. It does have to be said, however, that we are an atypical start-up.
We have on board the biggest German investor, the “High-Tech Gründerfonds”, are part of various EU programmes and so on. The colleagues from the law firm Knappworst possess the ability to familiarise themselves properly with the subject matter. When they call me they have already grasped the facts. The amount of energy previously lost through having to explain things...
A good tax consultant is comparable to an insurance policy. It is a necessity, otherwise things can really hurt. I have yet to experience, however, that a tax consultant helps one to save money. But we have only been with Knappworst for just about a year now. There is still time for that to happen.”
Christian Grajewski, Produkt Designer
„Ich bin seit November 2017 selbstständig und entwerfe zukunftsorientierte Konzepte für die internationale Automobilindustrie. Vorher habe ich acht Jahre für die Volkswagen Group Future Center Europe GmbH in Potsdam gearbeitet.
Es ist meine erste Selbstständigkeit, und ich möchte mich gerne voll auf meine Entwürfe konzentrieren können. Deshalb brauche ich eine Kanzlei, die mich in Fragen der Finanzen und Buchhaltung unterstützt. Auf Knappworst bin ich durch die Web-Suche gekommen. Für mich ist es wichtig, dass die Kanzlei auf Start-ups spezialisiert ist. Ich kann durch die professionelle Zusammenarbeit finanzielle Hürden überwinden und fühle mich in diesem Bereich gut informiert. Sobald ich eine konkrete Frage habe, kann ich mich jederzeit auch telefonisch an die Kanzlei wenden. Das bedeutet für mich nicht nur eine riesige Zeitersparnis, mein Steuerberater ermöglicht mir dadurch auch mehr Freizeit.“
Silvan Rath,
„Die GmbH ist ein Werbe-Netzwerk. Wir erlauben z.B. Nike
potenzielle Kunden mit Werbung zu adressieren, nachdem sie einen
Reebok-Store in der Einkaufspassage besucht hatten.
Das funktioniert über automatische Sensorik in Telefonen und werbefinanzierten Apps. Der User gibt natürlich vorher seine Zustimmung. Wir haben eine Art Kanzlei-Casting gemacht, bevor wir uns für Knappworst entschieden haben. Wir brauchten jemanden, der internationales Business, EU-Förderungen und die Komplexitäten von Start-ups versteht. Schon mal was von „partiarisches Nachrangdarlehen mit Wandeloption“ gehört? Gehört ja, aber die Materie richtig verstehen, das tun die wenigsten. Man muss dazu sagen, wir sind ein eher untypisches Start-up.
Wir haben mit dem High-Tech Gründerfonds den größten deutschen Investor an Bord; wir sind in EU-Programmen drin und so weiter. Die Kollegen in der Kanzlei Knappworst können sich richtig einarbeiten. Wenn die mich anrufen, haben sie den Sachverhalt schon verstanden. Wieviel Energie früher fürs Erklären draufgegangen ist...
Ein guter Steuerberater ist so was wie eine Versicherung. Man muss ihn einfach haben, sonst kann es wirklich weh tun. Was ich aber noch nie erlebt habe: dass ein Steuerberater einem dabei hilft, Geld zu sparen. Aber wir sind ja erst ein knappes Jahr bei Knappworst. Kann ja noch werden.“
Arndt Torick, miltau GmbH
"The chemistry between the law firm Knappworst and ourselves, miltau GmbH in Potsdam, felt right at the very first meeting. We understood each other at once, also on a human level. We even have our own personal contact there. She clarifies all questions of fiscal law and balance sheet accounting quickly and professionally. These are matters that are not always easily for us as self-employed persons to understand. We design individual programmes for preventive health care in companies and wish to have our heads clear to think about our core business. The cooperation with Knappworst is, in principle, a form of preventive health care for ourselves. We do not, for example, need to conduct long telephone calls, nor do we have any paperwork, as (almost) everything functions online. We simply upload our documents and – hey presto – they are processed. Our search for a well-established law firm suited to us met with very quick success on the internet. Since our launch in September 2017 the tax consulting company has taken us under its wings. I cannot quantify this exactly, but we do save an enormous amount of time. Many, many hours, if not days. To put it in a nutshell: our tax consultant is an important partner, who relieves us of a good deal of work.”
Christine Oppe, Photographer
"In August 2013 I took the leap into self-employment. With my photography I capture living moments in the life of families and children. When it comes to newborns, I’m particularly touched by the tenderness, the magic of the first days. When I started up my company, I searched on the internet under “start-up consultants” and came upon the accounting firm Knappworst. Now I’m getting bigger and bigger and have assigned more and more tasks to the firm. My tax consultant gives me the space to focus on my strengths and interests. I can always ask him what the tax implications are with regard to my business decisions. For me this means both relief and security."
Eve Büchner, GmbH
“When you build up an international company such as, it also means that everyone has to pull together. And that’s exactly what I like about the accounting firm Knappworst: Everyone there shares our excitement and understands something about international business. That’s why I changed to Thomas Knappworst because in him I have a solid contact, who advises me on strategies and also at times dissuades me from doing something. I have the perfect symbiotic relationship with the tax consultant responsible for me: We confer and perfectly complement each other, she is precise down to the last detail and I can always rely on her.”
Matthias Ernst, Managing Director XLETIX GmbH
"We are one of the top providers of obstacle courses in Germany and Austria. Previously, I worked as a corporate consultant and then as the in-house managing director of another startup. We have been with the Knappworst firm since XLETIX was founded, in 2013. We met Mr. Knappworst in person at a trade fair. The best thing about working with a tax advisor is that it frees you from having to deal with necessary evils – that’s absolutely essential. If it weren’t for the firm, the KISTAM launch would have pushed me over the edge. We have all our financial and payroll accounting handled by the tax advisor. For certain strategic decisions, we discuss the concrete financial consequences together. Take expanding into neighboring EU countries, for example – what that means for us in terms of tax laws. I honestly can’t say whether a tax advisor would also be a good fit as a business coach. You’d have to give it a try; I wouldn’t have perceived it that way directly at first. I’ll take a closer look at Mr. Knappworst in response…"
Carsten Petersen, Orthopaedic Practice at Nauener Tor
“Without a tax consultant I would have all the accounting work to do with wages etc. on my plate. For this reason alone, the accounting firm is very important in my professional routine as practice owner. In 2012 I went into business for myself and have been working with the firm Knappworst since then. Now it’s increasingly about developing strategies. That’s very complex, so I value the good service and especially the short distance to travel due to their proximity – in other words my “local tax consultant”.
Start-Ups/ Company founders
Company founders
These services are suitable for you:
- Start-up consultation
- Subsidies for start-ups
- Start-up coaching
- Choice of legal form
- Annual financial statements
- Tax returns
- Financial accounting
- Payroll accounting
- General tax advice
- Economic advice
Thomas Knappworst
Graduate in Business Studies, Tax Consultant
Annett Axenti-Schönitz
Graduate in Business Studies, Tax Consultant
Carolin Methe
Diplom-Finanzwirtin (FH), Steuerberaterin
Anett Malysch
Graduate in Business Studies, Tax Consultant
Christian Nitsche
M.Sc., Steuerberater
Beate Schirmag
Diplom-Kauffrau, Steuerberaterin, Mediatorin
Andreas Halloch