Clear and honest communication. Speaking frankly is of great value.mask
Clear and honest communication. Speaking frankly is of great value.
Reliable expertise. One can't gain experience just by reading.mask
Reliable expertise. One can't gain experience just by reading.
An office with character. Only values that are lived count.mask
An office with character. Only values that are lived count.


Welcome to Knappworst Steuerberatung, your Tax Consultants
in Potsdam and Berlin

Two decades of expertise in control of an owner-managed company. 50 employees in two locations: in Potsdam and Berlin. Planning and structuring of tax and highly specialized advice in various areas.

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Ihr IT-Beraterteam

We believe that training good people is an investment in the future. Have you just finished school? Or are you looking for a change in career? Perhaps you want to do a second apprenticeship? We train tax specialists and business people for office management.

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Wir tragen auch 2022 das DATEV Label Digitale Kanzlei

climate protection

climate protection

Die Knappworst Steuerberatung nimmt das Thema Klimaschutz sehr ernst und will einen Beitrag leisten, konform mit dem Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen, die globale Erwärmung auf 1,5°C zu begrenzen.

Hierzu setzten wir uns für unsere eigenen Standorte und unseren Fuhrpark (Scope 1 & 2) das Ziel unsere Emissionen bis 2030 um 75% zum Basisjahr 2022 zu reduzieren.

Mehr erfahren



We believe that training good people is an investment in the future. Have you just finished school? Or are you looking for a change in career? Perhaps you want to do a second apprenticeship? We train tax specialists and business people for office management.

Learn more

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+49 (0331) 2 98 21 0 |